1) Get started by hitting the "Add To Playbook" button in the top right corner to duplicate this template proposal into your own Playbook. If you're seeing this in your own Playbook, move to step 2).

2) [Edit me!] Introduce yourself - from photography, zines, and illustrations, to 3D modelling, product design and algo-art, the landscape of our imagination is ever expanding and we want to hear about your next big thing. Selected creatives with the most original and community-impactful ideas will receive between $1000 - $10,000 each to bring your ideas to life!

3) Hit "Publish"! Customize the look and feel of your final page.

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1) Get started by hitting the "Add To Playbook" button in the top right corner to duplicate this template proposal into your own Playbook. If you're seeing this in your own Playbook, move to step 2).

2) [Edit me!] Introduce yourself - from photography, zines, and illustrations, to 3D modelling, product design and algo-art, the landscape of our imagination is ever expanding and we want to hear about your next big thing. Selected creatives with the most original and community-impactful ideas will receive between $1000 - $10,000 each to bring your ideas to life!

3) Hit "Publish"! Customize the look and feel of your final page.

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